Tom Lonsdale and Breck
Muir are candidates for positons on the board of the Australian Veterinary Association.
The 1997 elections will be the fifth elections that they have contested. For
background information please consult Tom
Lonsdale's Home Page and the Raw Meaty Bones
Campaign page.
Nomination for position
as director on the Board of the AVA for Dr Breck Muir, Stella Street Veterinary
Clinic, Stella Street, Long Jetty, NSW 2261, Telephone 043 326 026
Breck is a respected veterinarian who places 'service before self'. For
33 years livestock and pet owners have had the benefit of his good humour and
thoughtful assistance.
Breck has long been a supporter of the AVA at branch level and since 1991 has
made an impressive contribution to the national life of our profession. When
he realised the enormity of the artificial pet food problem affecting our animals
and our profession he took a principled stand.
As we approach the millennium AVA members can now enjoy the benefit of and place
their trust in Breck's public spirited contributions.
Nominated by Dr Ian Billinghurst, Mort Street Veterinary Clinic, Lithgow, NSW
2790, Telephone 063 52 2824
6 March, 1995
The issue of self-regulation of the profession will dominate this election and
from which all other veterinary matters, social, political and scientific flow.
We must safeguard that privilege by fearlessly identifying our problems, providing
a diagnosis and then proceeding to a remedy. In this way, we can honour our
compact with society in the provision of timely, effective advice regarding
all aspects of animal care. My candidacy in this election is founded on these
Our most pressing problem of self-regulation is that thirty years ago, due to
lack of vigilance, we allowed economic colonialists free entry to develop their
pet food culture. At the time we were scientifically and socially naive and,
as a community, we were persuaded to favour foreign-owned, expensive items over
the superior, cheap local produce. Given the difficulty of correcting culturally
conditioned errors it must be a concern to all Australians that the AVA and
various government departments are still in denial over this issue. When we
stop the internal battles over this absurdity, we can redirect our resources
for the good of the community. Everyone from either side of the debate will
have a role in retrieving our credibility and setting about the task of re-education.
Methodically identifying and isolating problems has been my approach as a practice
manager. By building on basic principles, common sense and past achievements
we can steer a way forward. Free speech has been restored to the letters page
of the AVA News and thus, the voice of the individual members has been retained
in the Association's affairs. The landmark 'Diet and Disease Report' was published
and Australian pets consequently reap the benefit. I am confident that very
much more can be achieved as an elected representative.
For the future I envisage a renaissance for the profession as we show a lead
in animal welfare, the human economy and the natural environment. New environmentally-friendly
industries should emerge for the feeding of the world's pets. Spin-off benefits
would likely include solutions for our feral goat, rabbit and kangaroo problems.
Our farming communities and our children should obtain a sounder economy and
a better environment. Veterinarians working in primary industry, government,
teaching and general practice should all gain a new importance.
In all things timing and information are crucial. It is my view that for the
first year of Executive membership I shall bring a welcome outsider's view whilst
learning the ropes of the organisation. In 1996/7, the presidential year, I
shall make myself available to meet the needs of the Association. The purpose
of the AVA is to serve all the members and this can only be achieved by constant
rejuvenation with new ideas and new members. Of course the budget must balance.
As a practitioner I am well aware of the need to be available, whether in person
or on the phone, and I can be contacted on (02) 9627-4011.
This important decision is yours. I urge you to post your vote for the self-regulation
and self-determination of our profession.
Tom Lonsdale