3 November, 1993
Dear Sir,
Regrettably, the Australian veterinary faculties are squandering the iniative taken on this important subject. As can be seen from the enclosed monograph greater interest is being shown overseas. In North America one veterinary faculty is beginning to establish a 'million dollar' research project to investigate dietary consequences.
Besides the obvious academic and scientific aspects, there are the legal and ethical considerations. It is in these areas that I believe Australia can still maintain the lead. For instance veterinary boards could start to rule on the issue of false and misleading advertising by veterinary surgeons when promoting harmful dietary products. Advising the use of, and sale of, such products would be another aspect. Cruelty issues can be expected to loom large in the future where the forced consumption of unnatural dietary products gives rise to chronic ill-health. Clearly these are activities that veterinarians should not be actively pursuing and an early indication from veterinary boards would be most timely.
It is my hope that you will seize the regulatory iniative on these and related subjects. If I may be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.
Yours faithfully,
Tom Lonsdale
Enc: PFIC monograph