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RCVS Council Elections 2003 - Candidate Manifestos

Mr Thomas Lonsdale

Thank you letter to voters

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May 2003 Media Release

Pushers of poison or dispensers of medicine - you choose.

The fate of the barber-surgeons, extinction, awaits the veterinary profession - or so it seems on the current evidence. Let's face it the barber-surgeons only managed to harm those who came into direct contact. In an age of carrier pigeons the majority were spared the opinions and actions of the men in bloody frock coats. Nowadays bogus opinions speed about the planet on a stream of electrons and veterinary opinions, for that's what concerns us here, often do harm.

Let's be honest, mainstream veterinary opinion and its supporting institutions pose considerable threat to the health and comfort of the world's pets. At all levels vets endorse, promote and sell artificial pet foods - the source of so much disease and ill-health. When in fact the alternative, a natural diet, acts as both food and medicine for carnivores. Yes, natural food acts in the treatment and prevention of disease.

In our compartmentalised way of thinking we hailed the advent of antiseptic surgery. We hailed the introduction of penicillin. But those surgical and medical innovations came complete with plenty of 'side-effects' and in any case only served to improve treatment. Natural foods serve to treat and prevent disease and the veterinary profession and its schools and institutions deny this.
Artificial pet foods poison pets in broadly three different ways. (Poisons, by definition 'cause death or injury'.)

i.) Foods that fail to clean the teeth and gums also increase the available nutrients for the oral bacteria. Bacterial overgrowth, plaque, gives rise to periodontal disease and the production of toxins which act locally and systemically to injure health.

ii) Inappropriate chemicals or inappropriate balance of chemicals passing through the intestines are absorbed into the blood and lymph and transported to other organs with a range of adverse effects.

ii.) Foods which are physically and chemically unsuitable are imperfectly digested and travel to the lower bowel where they provide nutrient supply for a host of unwelcome bacteria. Those bacteria produce toxic products, liquid and gaseous, that exert adverse effects on the bowel wall and systemic organs.

Natural foods are, by Nature's design, physically and chemically appropriate to the needs of the carnivore. In numerous ways they restore and maintain health. As a profession we need to recognize this, we need to improve our expertise in treatment and embrace an entirely new approach to disease prevention - if we are to avoid the fate of the barber-surgeons.
And the good news is that it can be done and there is a precedent. The dentists changed their attitude and reversed their focus. 'Drilling, filling and billing' became an anachronism as they adopted the new preventative focus of brushing, flossing and fluoridation. Nowadays there are fewer dentists, but they enjoy high standing. That's the vision I have for the veterinary profession. It can be achieved and every vote counts. I hope I can count on yours.

Tom Lonsdale
PO Box 6096
Windsor DC 2756

Proposer: Alan Bennet

The Profession's alliance with the pet food industry is unhealthy. The prevalence of periodontal disease in our pets is unhealthy. The Profession's promotion of feeding commercial petfoods is unhealthy. Tom's 11 year bold stance to alert and rectify these problems is neither a 'flash in the pan', the words of a zealot nor 'only a single issue'. With the release of his book Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health and a growing acceptance by the Public and the Profession of his opinions, I have great pleasure in proposing Tom to my learned colleagues for election.



Proposer: Bill Miller

Oliver Graham-Jones FRCVS our mutual friend and mentor, in his twilight years, continued to nominate Tom Lonsdale for election. It's an honour for me to uphold the tradition. Tom contends that we have accepted processed pet foods as 'normal', when in fact these are harmful for our pet carnivores. He recommends a change in attitude leading to proper investigation and informed debate. The medical and dental professions seem able to accommodate 'progressive' attitudes and re-examination of their cherished beliefs. I hope the same is true for the veterinary profession and that you will cast your vote in support. Thank you.