Freedom of Information
Junk Pet Food Involvement
Australian Vet Schools
What if medical students were programmed in nutrition, the control of obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease courtesy of 'free' lectures from Macdonalds and textbooks from KFC?
Consider the uproar if dental schools pushed the consumption of sugary, fizzy drinks thanks to funds from Coca Cola.
Imagine if the Mafia were to organise the ethics and integrity curriculum at the Police Academy.
That's preposterous, you may say.
Alas, in every Australian veterinary school junk pet-food grease lubricates the brainwashing machine. Australian taxpayers and student fees pay for the machine. But it's the junk pet food multinationals, Mars Inc., and Colgate-Palmolive that appear to own and control the machine.
Most vet schools try to keep their illicit liaisons secret. Murdoch Vet School in Perth, Western Australia provided some transparency and accountability. See how they solicit funds, as they bend over backwards, offering full service for surprisingly little cash.
Sydney University, Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), Professor David Fraser, Professor Anthony Caiafa, Dr Christine Hawke and Dr Linda Fleeman
GIPA Access Application 6 April 2018
Decision 14 May 2018
Documents released
Sydney University, Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), Professor Jill Maddison and Professor David Church
The CVE know full well that junk food devastates the health of pets. Previous directors appeared in print making their opinions very clear.
Dr Tom Hungerford (1968 – 1987)
Dr Douglas Bryden (1987 – 2000)
Dr Michele Cotton (2003 – 2007)
But the CVE continues in unholy alliance with the mass poisoners, Mars Corporation, makers of Royal Canin and Colgate-Palmolive makers of Science Diet junk food.
See the programme for the 19-25 Feb 2018 Internal Medicine Conference convened by Professor Jill Maddison and keynote speaker Professor David Church.
Jill Maddison has been a long-time proponent of junk food for pets. See her here spruiking the junk pet-food line and admitting to being on the payroll of the Nestlé subsidiary Friskies.
David Church is another junk pet-food feeder – even to diabetes affected cats. See here his department’s collusion with Nestlé Purina.
Government Information, Public Access application.
No shame. The CVE and pet poisoners, Mars, seek to capitalise on feline bladder disease and obesity -- problems almost exclusively affecting junk food fed cats.
Media release: Sydney University on the take, brainwashing vets. 1 Feb 2018
22 March 2018 GIPA Decision by the University to refuse access to most of the documents sought. However, see the corrupt advertisements in the course notes.
Internal Review Decision 24 April 2018
Heavily redacted disclosures
Nov 2018: The Maddison, Church, Mars Inc., Colgate and Universiy of Sydney matter is now being pursued in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Following the action before NCAT the University chose to make the following disclosures:
Sydney University dirty deals with mass pet poisoners Hill's and Royal Canin
Sydney University Senate Office and Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael Spence
On the evidence:
Senate Office and or Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence intercepted 24 packages of Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health and documents addressed to Chancellor and all Members of the Senate. Seems those books were either stolen/destroyed/disposed of without reaching their intended recipients -- those in-charge of overseeing the proper conduct of the University. Instead the complaint was supplied to the Dean of the Vet School, Dr Rosanne Taylor, the very person responsible for the improper arrangements with junk pet-food companies.
Apparently the complaint letter and Rosanne Taylor's self-serving response were placed on a 'For Fellows' only website 29 July 2010. No other action was taken to investigate the complaint or to address endemic incompetence and corruption at the University.
Sydney University
FOI U Sydney 2014
FOI Sydney Uni 11 OCT 2014 refusal to disclose
FOI Sydney Uni rights of review
External Review refuses to disclose information.
Sydney University 'proud' of its involvement with Hill's mass poisoning of pets
Sydney University involvement with Hill's a division of Colgate-Palmolive and Royal Canin, division of the Mars Corporation to be examined in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal 17 September 2015

GIPA application into Sydney University ongoing junk pet-food scandal (4 September 2016)
'I allege that the University of Sydney is complicit in widespread animal cruelty, reckless exploitation of vet students and defrauding of the pet-owning public. Any light shed on this diabolical state of affairs will be of immense public benefit.' Tom Lonsdale
Decision 2016 - 536
Documents for release with decision - information subject of objection redacted - FOR RELEASE WITH DECISION OF 3 NOVEMBER 2016
Melbourne University
FOI U Melbourne 2014
Decision Letter 14-04-2015
Decision Summary
Documents released
Acceptance of Review 25 May 2015
Review details 31 May 2015
Revised application. April 2018 Prof Caroline Mansfield and others
Melbourne Uni makes disclosure of its disgraceful deal with Hill's in respect to 'Hospital Feeding Agreement' and their contract with Mars in respect to the testing of the poisonous junk pet food Advance Dermocare.
January 2020 FOI Professor Caroline Mansfield
QLD University
FOI U QLD 2014
Refusal to provide information Dec 2014
Further refusal to provide information January 2015
External review commenced 12 February 2015
May 2016 Information Commissioner preliminary ruling
30 May 2016 letter U Qld
Waltham Research Agreement
Mars Sponsorship Agreement
Professor Jacquie Rand dirty deals with Hill's junk pet-food monster
University of Queensland dirty deal with pet-poisoners Nestle-Purina
Murdoch University
FOI Murdoch 2014
FOI Murdoch 13 Nov 2014
FOI Murdoch 27 Oct 2014
Rivers of grease and slime, 500 documents released 8 December 2014
No shame. Dancing with the Hill's Devil, division of Colgate-Palmolive
Climbing into bed with Royal Canin, the Mars Inc. deviant. Full service: $356.16 per day
Murdoch University sells itself cheap and pimps its students to Colgate-Palmolive. Price: $123.28 per day and truckloads of Hill's dangerous junk food.
'Lots of opportunity for the sponsor?s involvement to sink in. . . .100% of our students are captured repeatedly.'
Murdoch/Hill's obscene partnership report: 'Almost all discharge letters recommended a Hill's specific diet.'
23 February 2016 Conciliation Conference Certificate
4 page revised document schedule 8 March 2014
194 page final release of documents 8 March 2014
Charles Sturt University
FOI CSU 2014
FOI CSU 3rd NOV 2014
15 January 2015
'I have been able to identify that there are no Agreements between Charles Sturt University and any pet food companies.
There are arrangements for some occasional lectures and the texts of the lectures are made available to you here.'
James Cook University
FOI James Cook 2014
FOI JAmes Cook Uni 21 NOV 2014
Request for Internal Review 7 Dec 14
Our junk pet-food maker chums can mess with our students' minds however they like. We're closed, opaque and unaccountable. Internal review decision 2/1/15
External review commenced 11 February 2015
Adelaide University
FOI U Adelaide 2014
Adelaide partial disclosure 18/11/14