Reviewer: Mark O'Connor

Mark O'Connor was born in Melbourne in 1945, and graduated from Melbourne University in 1965. In 1988 he married Janet Eagleton. He is now a visiting scholar at the Australian National University. He has taught English at several universities, has published 15 books of verse, and is the editor of O.U.P.'s much re-printed Two Centuries of Australian Poetry. He has also published prose books on environment and literary criticism; and his poetry shows a special interest in environment.
He was Australia's Olympic poet for the Sydney 2000 Games, with a fellowship from the Australia Council for the Arts to report in verse on the Games. His fullest collection The Olive Tree: Collected Poems of Mark O'Connor, was published by Hale & Iremonger in 2000; and his website is at www.australianpoet.com. Other published works include Poetry in Pictures: The Great Barrier Reef (Hale & Iremonger, 1986), Firestick Farming: Selected Poems 1972-90 (Hale & Iremonger, 1990), This Tired Brown Land (Duffy & Snellgrove, 1998) .
In 2003 his poems were included in the 5th edition of Oxford University Press's anthology Seven Centuries of Poetry in English and he was allocated more space than any poet under the age of Seamus Heaney (born 1939).