Readers Say: Page 2
Dear Dr Lonsdale,
I cried several times reading your book Raw Meaty Bones. The first time took me by surprise in an unfortunate location — at work, but at least I was alone at the time. I’ve never cried before while reading a book about nutrition, of all things, until it really sunk in what I had ignorantly subjected previous (and current) dogs to in my many years of caring for them, and the shame, misery and guilt came crashing down.
My husband doesn’t want me to feel badly about my ‘innocent ignorance’, but it is still ignorance. I understand it was a combination of blind belief in my veterinarians, zero knowledge of nutrition and a general faith in the pet food industry, all of which has been completely reversed since this last spring. All of those years I always thought that I was giving my dogs the very best I could. I fell so tragically short, and I didn’t know.
I had been reading about raw feeding for several years but was finally forced to it this year after a new addition to our household crew took up coprophagia, which ended immediately upon implementing a raw diet (I posted that extensive story on reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/8kpmsh), and out oldest dog starting having chronic soft stools/diarrhea, which has not been resolved despite many, many and varied efforts, and may not ever be, given your explanation on pages 115 & 116. Of all the reading on the latter topic, and I have quite the library of raw feeding authors, you were the only one that gave it to me straight, like everything else in your book.
You described several health conditions that my heart dog suffered with, a Labrador who passed in ’09, but that I could get no real information on their cause from my vet, and just went along with the recommended treatments. This and the line where you write that our dogs are forced to eat what we give them, was absolutely devastating (when I first cried) —and exactly what I, and millions of pet guardians, need to hear. A very bitter pill to be swallowed.
Thank You. From a very grateful reader in the U.S., thank you for your years of efforts and all you have endured and lost to bring people to the truth. I wish I could come and visit to thank you in person. In lieu of that, I have purchased several used copies of your book and plan to distribute them to my current vet and some other select people.
God Bless you.
Ruth Oliver
Springfield, IL 62705
July 18, 2018 |
Report/ Observations after Canine Dental Procedure
Veterinarian Doctor Tom Lonsdale
My name is Barbara O’Neill. I wish to present a testimonial regarding the outcome of dental procedures performed on my two dogs Connor and Rosie.
Connor (12 Years)
Maltese/Pomeranian cross
Connor presented to Dr Lonsdale with severe gum disease and failing health. He had milky blue shadows across his eyes and was obviously having problems with his sight. His hair had become dry and course. Connor is a dog that imitates cats in his grooming habits and loved being spotlessly clean.
I could not lift Connor without him yelping in pain and his hind legs were very stiff. He was becoming detached to his surroundings and would stand for long periods staring into space.
Connor resisted chewing and was always lethargic. He had halitosis and little interest in food. He slept restlessly and urinated constantly throughout the night.
When I collected Connor on the day of the operation he was running around following the vet nurse around the cages. That night he slept for 12 hours.
Upon waking he was given a raw chicken frame which he hungrily attacked. He then looked for more chicken frames, which of course he received.
Within a week the milky blue shadows in Connor’s eyes had receded and they are barely there a month later. He is now alert and puppy-like in his playfulness and awareness of his environment. He does not yelp as much when lifted (I think he thinks he is going to hurt).
Connor now runs like a puppy and has a fresh clean smell in his mouth at all times. His coat is silky and beautiful; he prances around with his head held high. He is so happy.
My dog does not miss his teeth. I have noticed that the strength of his jaws has compensated for the missing teeth and he has no problems with bones.
I am however distressed that Connor had been to several vets to have his teeth fixed, with the result being a cosmetic polish and shine. I knew he was not well as a result of his teeth.
Connor no longer eats commercial dog food with the exception of Beneful meat and vegies once or twice a week, this is dependent on when I get home in the evening. Otherwise it is raw meaty bones and nothing else.
Rosie (11½ Years)
Rosie presented to Dr Lonsdale with severe gum disease and failing health. She had halitosis, was aggressive and irritable. Her hair had become very dry and coarse and her skin was constantly itchy.
Rosie had developed a meaty lump on her sternum which moved to the left and right across her chest regularly. She had developed chronic nocturnal breathing difficulties. During those episodes I had to assist her breathing by raising her chin and upper body.
Rosie was diagnosed by a local vet with Congestive Heart Failure and was on permanent medication when I took her to Dr Lonsdale.
When I collected Rosie on the day of the operation she was running around with Connor following the vet nurse. That night she slept for 12 hours.
Upon waking she was given a raw chicken frame which she hungrily attacked. She then looked for more chicken frames, which of course she received and which she the proceeded to bury industriously. Previously she couldn’t care and showed little interest in food.
Within a week the aggressive behaviour lessened and although she has now become aggressive in guarding her bones, her casual aggression to the other dogs in the family has markedly decreased.
Rosie runs like a puppy now, her coat is silky and beautiful and she has a clean fresh smell in her mouth at all times. Her eyes are so bright and she actually shows joy in her face. Rosie is loving life again and now enjoys playing games.
Her coat is silky and beautiful.
Rosie does not miss her teeth, (nor do the other dogs and visitors!) I have noticed that the strength of her jaws has compensated for the missing teeth and she has no problem with bones.
Rosie has not had medication for her heart since the day of the operation. The lump on her chest is completely gone. I am however distressed that Rosie had been to several vets to have her teeth fixed—the result being a cosmetic polish and shine. In addition with being diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.
Rosie no longer eats commercial dog food with the exception of Beneful meat and vegies once or twice a week, this is dependent on when I get home in the evening. Otherwise it is raw meaty bones and nothing else.
I am a strong supporter of Doctor Tom Lonsdale’s theory and practice. I was reluctant to go through with the procedure, especially with Rosie being diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.
I did not think my dogs would be alive by the year ending 2013. I can now look forward to many more years of their unconditional love.
Hi there,
After a random comment from our vet that he feeds raw chicken bones to his dogs, that sent me on a journey to learn more. First I came across your book called Raw Meaty Bones and read it from front to back in 1 day! Then I kicked myself that I had ever fed my dog kibble for the first 2 years of his life! And then I started last Saturday to feed my dog the way you suggest. So I just thought I would let you know that in only 6 days of feeding this way, already Mack's eyes have stopped weeping, and he is not flapping his ears all the time.
Mack has had trouble with weight, allergies in his ears and eyes right from when he was born and I'm now thinking I probably contributed to these problems with the crappy kibble he was forced to eat! He is loving his new menu and seems more sprightly...and has lost .2 of a kilo since his last weigh in which was 10 days ago. He still has 900 grams to go to get to his ideal weight and before when I was trying to make him lose weight on a 'obesity management' kibble, it just wasn't working and the poor little bugger seemed starving all the time. Now he enjoys his food but does not appear to be starving....he is not lined up in the kitchen begging for anything the minute I go in there. So anyway I just wanted to email and say thank you so much for writing a book that when I read it, I just had so many light bulb moments and couldn't believe that I was one of the idiots before who fell for the 'complete and balanced obesity management kibble' Everything you say makes absolute complete sense and I so appreciate it and I'm sure Mack does too. Mack is a shih-tzu who should weigh 6 kgs but on the kibble, even at less than the recommended amounts, ended up weighing 7.1kgs. And he always seemed hungry which is definitely not the case since I have been following your guidelines on raw food.
I will be forever grateful for coming across you and your books!
Kind Regards
Donna Garrity and Mack
New Zealand
September 2013
Hi Tom,
This note is long over due , my apologies.
I just purchased another one of your books and sent it to a friend, the sixth time I have done that since reading your book myself back in March of this year.
I am just a random consumer in the United States and a privileged guardian of two Red Australian Shepherds, both 8 years old.
Just wanted to thank you for improving their lives and for the fantastic education received through your book, I learned a great deal about both human and canine nutrition , and about nature.
I have passionately promoted your book ever since , including buying our veterinarian a copy ( sadly, not sure it helped him).
I will spare you all of the success stories with my dogs, you already know them, no surprises.
Just wanted to a note of sincere thanks , we are very grateful.
All the best,
Scott Edwards
Nov 2012
To Tom,
We have had great delight in meeting you and reading your books. We feel it is important to get your word out to help other pet owners get the most out of their beloved animals.
P.S. If you're looking for a vet who shows kindness and compassion in your and your pets time of need call 02 4577 7061
Thank you Tom and all your staff for helping us through a tough and heartbreaking time we will always be grateful.
Kind regards
Elizabeth Fiola and family
Windsor, NSW
November 2011
Dear Tom,
I'll start with going to chapter 13 of your book. There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.
(Victor Hugo). I wonder if you are aware of how aptly it applies to you? So, you see, if we can't enlist Oprah's help it just means that you will be able
to win against the pet food giants without her help.
I can see from your email that they are trying to sabotage you but guess what, when your time has come, no matter what they try, you will succeed in your
quest, so do not be disheartened by those bullies. Now to go on to my story which I think you will be interested to know about.
Last week I went to my dentist, who is in his early twenties, to have my teeth cleaned and checked. Before he started to work, I asked him if he had pets
and what he fed them. He said he had two dogs, one being 3 years old and the other only one year old and that he sometimes cooked the food himself but
most of the time he gave them dog biscuits especially the one year old. I said that's bad, bad, bad and asked him how their teeth were to which he
replied they were alright. I then told him about your book and that I've left your website with his receptionist and asked him to check it out.
I needed to go back to have a couple of fillings done so I made an appointment for Monday. When I went there, the first thing he asked me was what your
website was again. I'd brought your book with me and I showed it to him and gave him your website. It must have troubled him when I asked how their
teeth were (being a dentist) so he must have checked it out and found to his horror and dismay they were bad and foulmouthed. So you can see how even
a dentist was conned by the pet food industry. Anyway, you've got a convert in him and his receptionist now. I hope they will pass the word around and
promote your book and website just as I am doing now.
The few people I have spoken to so far have all shown an interest in reading your book so hopefully each one passes the message on.
Wishing you all the best and carry on your good work!
Regards, Jill Norman
March 2004
Dear Mr. Lonsdale,
I thought I'd let you know, if you haven't been notified already, that a sizable seminar was held in Watton, Norfolk (UK) on Sunday 19th Oct.
Approximately thirty people attended.The organizer was Mrs. Valerie Crofts and our speakers were
Mr. Roger Meacock, Julia Walsh and Dr. Johan Joubert.
Of course the topic was Raw Meaty Bones, the Natural Diet for Dogs - and we even managed to persuade a local vet to attend (yay - one down - a
few hundred to go!!)
Roger always has plenty of copies of your books for new initiates to buy and take away with them. He is also a passionate speaker on the subject
of feeding a more natural and healthy diet to our dogs - well - he has convinced me and a number of my friends and associates. So you are winning,
Mr. Lonsdale - slowly but surely. You also have a great champion in the shape of Dr. Joubert. He is also a compelling speaker on the subject of
feeding a raw meaty bone diet - and when he relates the health problems that arise from feeding what is essentially a constant 'MacDonald's diet
to our canine companions - well, I know for a fact he converted a few people on the spot!!! I have nearly converted my whole clan of dogs
(11 Rotties and 2 Lancashire Heelers) to a meaty bone diet. The only thing that holds up a total conversion is the simple lack of availability
of the quantity of bone of good food value that I need but I'm constantly searching out new sources and will manage to totally convert soon.
Certainly the puppies that are due soon to my Heeler bitch will be bought up on a natural bone diet and I will insist that any puppies that leave
me in future are fed on the diet I start them off on - it will now be a requirement of my Contract of Sale with any puppy buyers ( I only breed
occasionally despite the large number of dogs I keep - and only then when I want something out of the litter myself).
I must comment that since I have had my dogs on a predominantly raw bone diet they seem so much more content and happier. I have far fewer
confrontations between the 'boys' than was previously the case. Even my 'golden oldies' - 2 eleven year old Rotties - enjoy their meaty bones -
although I do confess to feeding them some of the easier to chew tasty morsels - but Teddy - the old chap - so thoroughly enjoys a good session
with a pig's head that I can't deny him his favourite thing. As for the rest - well, I no longer have to have the tooth scraping tools out -
picking up the 'dog logs' is a heck of a lot easier and quicker and I no longer feel ill when I step onto something squishy - I know it's going
to be a windfall apple!! And no more dog breath!! I just wish I had found your book sooner - then perhaps my 8 year old lad wouldn't have
congestive heart failure as he has now. I have a horrible feeling I caused it - you no doubt know how.
Anyway, thank you for your bravery and for giving me the truth which allows me to help my dogs live a fuller and happier life. Keep up the
good work. We are listening.
Yours sincerely,
Judy Spooner (Mrs.)
21 October 2003
I changed my two chocolate labradors (aged 6 and 3) on to a natural raw
meaty bones diet last August after reading your book. The main change I
have noticed, apart from the fact that they have beautiful shiny coats, is
that their bowel movements are now solid, well-formed and completely
odourless. Prior to that my older dog had suffered continually from
digestive problems — runny, smelly stools and frequent accidents in the
kitchen at night — until I was forced to install a dog flap. He was also
prone to dermatitis from flea bites but since the diet change has not
suffered from this. Both dogs were frequent grass eaters which I believe is
a sign of stomach upset.
I now give them mostly turkey legs, whole chickens and pork legs, including trotters, with the occasional rabbit, pheasant and fish (the latter three are not very popular). My local butcher is very obliging and I store up portion-sized meals so that I have one or two weeks' worth at any one time. The diet is cheaper than the previous processed one.
My main problem is portion control. In the beginning I tended to feed them
too much, guessing the weight of the meat and bones rather than weighing
them, but have since cut back and now rigorously fast them once or twice a
week. Their meals are infinitely longer and more enjoyable (particularly
the pork legs which can keep them happily gnawing away for an hour or more).
There seems to be a fixed idea that bones are bad for dogs but I try to
explain that only cooked bones are bad. I gave a copy to my vets but they
are still displaying processed pet food in their surgery. I suspect that
you are a bit ahead of your time; as humans we are only just waking up to
the harm of processed food for ourselves so it is not surprising that
animals are suffering. However, there can be no justification for feeding
animals what we ourselves would not eat.
When you look inside my dogs' mouths you see the benefit of the diet too — perfectly clean white teeth and pink gums. I love to think that by feeding them this diet I am prolonging their life and thereby my enjoyment of their company. Thank you for writing this book and, yes, I am trying to spread the word.
Linda Pelham May 2003
I have sinned.
My mother taught me to feed dogs and cats raw meat and bones and scraps. Read more ...
Nancy McIntyre
Harvey WA 6220
Email April 2003
My dog used to have very bad breath, anal gland blockage, constipation, foul gases, and lack of energy. The anal gland problem because so distressing because what used to be a bi-annual visit to the vet turned into a monthly visit since June 2002. The vet answer was: 'Well, just bring him every month to get his sacks empty. It happens to dogs a lot. Nothing can be done.'
Well, sir, I wasn't ready to pay $50 a month to see a vet make my dog even more miserable than he already was (during the vet visits, he was shaking uncontrollably
and was very distressed). After the visits, he was still very much in pain. And when he suffers, both my partner and I suffer with him.
Then I stopped giving him processed dog food, as recommended in your book. Within 24 hours:
- the foul gases stopped
- no more bad breath
- no constipation
- lots of energy
Within 7 days:
- no anal gland problems
Since August 2002, my dog has had no need to visit the vet. He is healthy and happy and bouncing like a rubber ball -- and he is already 13 years old!
I am very, very angry at pet food companies for killing our pets with their lies and false advertising. I tell everyone I meet to stop feeding their pets processed food and explain why: most are completely shocked by the news because like all of us, they have always
believed pet food advertising and unchallenged veterinary suggestions.
Thank you so much for bringing this important issue to the world. If there is a heaven for dogs and cats out there, you'll be an honorary guest with your own throne and crown
Laurent Boulanger
Craigieburn Victoria, December 2002
Since spotting your book over a year ago I'd like to pass on the
We "saved" a Bull Terrier cross from the local RSPCA shelter. Gracie
is a beautiful dog, full of vitality and now approx. 2.5yrs old. When
we first adopted her we did the usual "recommended" thing - ie
Processed dog foods as advised by both Vet and RSPCA.
Before long, we were noticing problems; she had unusually runny eyes,
very sensitive skin that was prone to breaking out in rashes; was prone
to "leaking" urine and developed abscesses on her anus (infected anal
glands). We were taking her to the Vet on average once every 3 months — at $120 plus per visit. We ended up narrowing down her
allergies/irritations and restricted her diet (under vet advice),
cooking up mutton mince and vegies for her. We still continued to give
her chicken necks and the occasional lamb-shank, and her skin seemed to
improve. We had her on medication for her eyes and "leaking", and if
her skin ever erupted, she would get medication then too.
Then the revelation - your book! I read it from cover to cover and it
just made plain good sense, as well as being a damn fine read! I took
it upon myself to embark on a new diet for Gracie consisting of whole
raw meaty bones (lambshanks usually, with thigh-bone attached), lamb
hearts, chicken necks and raw liver (usually only once a week), with
the occasional table-scraps as per your book. The difference has been
outstanding - no need for a visit to the vet apart from annual shots
for well over a year - & then even the vet was astounded, as Gracie had
been becoming a regular patient! To date on your recommended diet,
Gracie has even more energy (sometimes a bit of a drain, actually!),
has not had any anal gland abscesses, her eyes have not needed any
medication and are crystal clear and bright - and her teeth are a
brilliant white with nice healthy gums and not a hint of "dog-breath".
Getting a kiss from Gracie is not a yucky experience!
I hope that more people take on your message and adopt the RMB diet for
their pets - I pass on the good news (as I see it) as often as I can to
others, but understand the enormity of the task you face. People are
either too complacent or are just too afraid to consider your advice!
The line about when did you last see a dog attack a wheat-field just
draws blank looks! As it now appears a high-carbo diet for humans is
being rethought, I wonder just how long it will take for the message to
get across that dogs are actually carnivorous and do not do well on a
high-carb diet that human beings have been advised to follow?
The last time Gracie was at the vet (to rapturous response), it was
explained about the diet, which drew a very suspicious look and a shrug
of the shoulders (the old "oh well, I suppose you must be doing
something right") - my partner had to stop from pointing out all
the "Recommended" processed food this vet had on the shelves - a
picture of "then" and "now" of Gracie would have been all that was
required to espouse how a dog should be fed and looked after!
This has turned out a little long-winded, but I really wanted to pass
on my thanks (and Gracie's, no doubt!). You have a convert here, Tom,
and one who will continue to spread the good word about your book and
website whenever I get the chance!
Regards & Best Wishes,
John, Sarah and Gracie
Adelaide, November 2002
Dear Dr Lonsdale,
I got your book yesterday, last night I just wanted to "take a look" to see if there was something interesting to learn. I ended up going to bed at 4:00 in the morning. I can not wait to finish the book and get more of such interesting information you give
Thanks for sharing your knowledgement (but not for keeping me awake)
Darwin Angulo Mexico City
May 2002
Dear Tom,
I have been feeding my German Shepherds naturally for 20 years, after I read
a book on the subject.
Prior to that I had continual 'fading puppy syndrome' and many other health
problems in my dogs. In recent years I have been breeding Australian Silky
Terriers with very good health outcomes due to natural rearing. My vet
bills are about zero.
For the last couple of years I have been breeding show cats and have
collected a few. I wanted to feed them naturally, but wasn't quite sure how
to go about it, because they are so finicky, and wouldn't eat so many things
that I tried them on.
But then I read your book and went for it. They stuck their noses up a bit
at first, but I hung in there, and won out finally. Their overall health
has improved out of sight, they love there food like crazy now.
So I recommend your ideas totally to anybody who really loves there pets.
David Enderby April 2002
Someone has already mentioned "thank God for the internet - information
flashed in seconds". May your books grow dizzy as they go round and round
the world.
Thank you for this marvellous contribution to the welfare of our pets.
Apart from the health benefits of a natural diet, there is another bonus for
dogs fed this way. We work with dogs with behavioural problems, which for
the most part are caused by bad nutrition. It's nothing short of miraculous
what happens to their behaviour when dogs are fed this simple, easy and
inexpensive diet.
"Raw Meaty Bones" is an absolute must-read for all dog owners. We look
forward to your lecture tour in the UK in July to spread the word so that
more and more dogs are happily and safely feeding on nature's gift of raw
meaty bones.
With thanks and best wishes,
Tony & Carol O'Herlihy,
BARK BUSTERS UK February 2002
Dear Dr Lonsdale.
I would sincerely like to thank you for all the effort and work you do to prove that our pets need natural diets. Since I changed all my pets to this diet they became more healthy.
I just wanted you to know that your book has finally reached Sweden. I have a boarding kennel and has stopped completely to give commercial processed food. This give people a lot to think about they usually call a visit here "healthhome-visit".
And once again thank you for what you do to our pets health.
Best regards
Eva Zachrisson
Vallarens Kennel
24 January 2002
Wow!! That was quick. I received my copy [six days after ordering]. Fascinating. Your book being advertised on our CHC k9health group which has over 600 worldwide members. Most of us already feed raw while others joining want to know more.
I changed to RMB about 3 years ago, thanks to knowledge gained through above group, WHAT A DIFFERENCE. I will never again feed commercial rubbish. I now have to live with the guilt that all my past furry loved ones were subjected to being fed on chemically infused junk food.
Thank God for the internet where knowledge can be flashed around the world in seconds.
Frances Brown (and the labradors) Suffolk, UK Benlabrador@tesco.net
20 September 2001
The books have arrived! We got a call late yesterday afternoon that they
were in Customs awaiting our pickup.
So of course I am totally sleep deprived today !! I spent the better part of
last night reading your book.
A hearty congratulations on a book very well written! I thoroughly
enjoyed it cover to cover.
Thanks again....
Mountain Dog Foods ƒ Frozen Raw Pet Foods
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Email bones@mountaindogfood.co
(20 September 2001)
Your book reads superbly...
I've just read it tonight, in a single sitting.
Mark O'Connor (Poet of the 2000 Olympic Games) 11 September 2001
My books arrived today! I LOVE them! Although I have not read
it thoroughly, It is great! The notes and appendix are MOST
appreciated, a fact missing in all raw diet books that leaves us up
in the air, so to speak! I am sure I will enjoy the rest! Thank you
and it will get GREAT reviews on the lists! Woof! Woof!
Joanne Olds Ohio, USA 1 September 2001
Good news - there is another book HOT OFF THE PRESS. It's by Dr Tom Lonsdale, and it's called Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health. The book is a FANTASTIC read. I was glued to it all day yesterday.
Tom explains how it is that bones are Nature's toothbrush, and gives plenty
of scientific evidence to show that commercial pet food and cooked food
promotes bacteria in the mouth which infects the dog's system and has a
harmful effect on the immune system, as well as major organs. Tom has also
been at the forefront of the battle against commercial pet food producers
and their cosy relationships with the veterinary profession and academia.
His is an insider story - he's a whistleblower.
The book appears to have been blacklisted by the media in Australia where
Tom resides, so we can all help to get this important book out there. Go to
www.rawmeatybones.com for further information
and ordering details.
Catherine O'Driscoll, Canine Health Concern 27 August 2001